Our Products
Progressive Educational Systems manufactures top quality and affordable training solutions. If you require additional information about any of these products, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Pricing Information
Please Contact Us for a firm quotation before ordering, as prices are subject to change without notice. All prices quoted are in US Dollars, F.O.B. Belleville, Ontario.
Multiple Copies
We are committed to maximizing your investment in our training programs. We offer significant savings for multiple copy purchases on most programs. For details regarding discount options, Contact your Sales Representative.
Reproduction Rights
All of our training programs are copyrighted. Under certain circumstances limited reproduction rights are available. For more information regarding the necessary arrangements required for this special option, Contact your Sales Representative.
Lab Layout and Facilities
Progressive is more than pleased to help you with the development of your Technical Training Facility in any way we can . . . from basic assistance and planning of your site layout to a "turn-key" operation that includes a total facility with furniture and fixtures, computer and networking, training workstations, project activity areas, and video display equipment.
Instructor Training
Extensive Instructor training is certainly available and comes in several forms related to the equipment and training systems purchased, or not purchased, from Progressive Educational Systems.
System Installation
At the time of installation a Service person will help with the check-out, and, at the same time provide basic training on the equipment for the instructors involved.
Workstation Subject Training
Most of our Training Workstations are supported by their own individualized self-paced multimedia training activities. Following these self-paced programs will certainly provide any instructor with all the basic subject knowledge and skills required.
Locally Held Training Workshops
Periodically we organise, in almost every locality, day and evening workshops that your instructors can attend, and learn even more advanced techniques about the operation of our products. With only a few exceptions these are free to all users, or potential users, of that equipment.
Also, from time to time, Progressive is more than prepared to provide local workshops that are open to all instructors in the area. Usually these are held in a school where our equipment has been installed, the instructors at that school have requested additional training, and are willing to have other local instructors attend.
Special Training Requirements
Beyond all of the above, Progressive provide training on a per-diem basis to our customers. Obviously, the costs vary depending upon the trainer and the customer location. Typically, our costs run about $450 to $750 per day plus expenses.
Sometimes with large orders, this level of training will be included in the cost of the system and sometimes we have extended this type of training as part of an 'industrial contribution' toward the program. Usually all of this is worked out with the customer at the time orders are placed.
Equipment/Software Support
If you have questions about the equipment or software purchase from Progressive Educational Systems Inc., you can call or email our Technical Service Department, at 1-888-256-0715 or sales@progressiveinc.ca. Please have the make and model of the equipment, software serial number before calling.

Progressive Educational Systems located in Belleville, Ontario. At Progressive, we are committed to helping you effectively meet your needs. We are proud to offer coast to coast overnight delivery service to most areas. Our important numbers are listed below:
- Toll Free 888-256-0715
- Main Office 613-966-3332
- Fax 866-799-4123
- Sales@progressiveinc.ca