About leXsolar
Renewable energy is on everyone's lips. Nowadays wind and sun energy are taken for granted. But how exactly does this new technology work? And how many further opportunities for the energy production are there? The company leXsolar gives all these answers thanks to its products, and with its training systems prepare the new generations for a future with renewables.
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Post Secondary - leXsolar-SmartGrid Professional
Understanding the complex interactions between renewable energies, energy stores and consumers in a smart grid is an important objective in vocational and technical education. leXsolar-SmartGrid Professional is the ideal basic training system to reach this goal.
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Secondary - leXsolar-SmartGrid Ready-to-go
Ready-to-go stands for a fully equipped product of the leXsolar-SmartGrid line in a durable aluminum suitcase that is ready to use anytime and anywhere. leXsolar-SmartGrid Ready-to-go allows the construction of a smart grid with a variety of renewable energy sources on a laboratory scale.
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Post Secondary - leXsolar-PV Professional
Nowadays, a comprehensive understanding of photovoltaics is necessary for a variety of professions in the fields of renewable energies. For the relevant studies and courses of education, leXsolar-PV Professional offers the optimal tools for practical courses.
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Secondary - leXsolar-PV Ready-to-go
This kit includes all necessary ancillary equipment, like measuring equipment, and is delivered in an aluminum case with heavy-duty foam inserts. The scope of experiments ranges from simple trials that show the basic characteristics of the solar energy, to more challenging experiments dealing with topics like IV characteristics or temperature dependency of solar cells.
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leXsolar - Wind
Post Secondary - leXsolar-Wind Professional
Wind energy currently covers the highest proportion of renewable energy production. With the build-up of new wind power plants, the demand for highly qualified staff is at a very high level. leXsolar-Wind Professional offers you practical oriented experiments for technical training while including interesting basic experiments at the same time.
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Secondary - leXsolar-Wind Ready-to-go
This system enables the maximum number of experiments without the need for additional accessories. It comes in a sturdy aluminum case and is location-independent. Expansion "Measurements without Measuring devices" and "Anemometer" expansions are already included. With the leXsolar Wind Ready-to-go, you will be able to answer any questions you may have concerning the basic concepts of using wind energy.
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lexSolar - H2
College/Secondary - leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go 2.0
leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go offers the entire spectrum of current fuel cell technology for education. The product was completely revised and now contains the world's first SOFC-Fuel cell for educational purposes.
The solar module, electrolyzer, and fuel cell allows the assembling and examination of a solar-hydrogen cycle. Working principles, efficiency and characteristics curves of electrolyzer and fuel cell are just some of the topics covered.
Beside the PEM-Fuel cell and the SOFC-Fuel cell, it also contains an Ethanol-Fuel cell in order to compare the different technologies. H2 Charger and H2 Storage allow the easy generation and storage of hydrogen. Following the traditions of the Ready-to-go series all additional equipment is already included in the robust aluminum case.
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leXsolar - BioFuel
College/Secondary - leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go
The entire process of producing biofuel is demonstrated with leXsolar-Biofuel Ready-to-go as a student experiment. The case contains all necessary components and can be used anywhere.
The first step is resource selection and fermentation. The resulting mash is then distilled with the custom-built leXsolar-Condenser, and the ethanol obtained will be characterized.
Lastly, the bio fuel collected needs to be converted into usable energy – for example into electricity with the provided Ethanol-Fuel cell. leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go does not only cover bio ethanol production but also the generation of biodiesel through transesterification of fats.
Middle School - leXsolar-BioFuel Large
The entire process of producing biofuels can be demonstrated with leXsolar-BioFuel Large. It starts with the biological step of alcoholic fermentation. Afterwards the produced mash will be distilled with the help of the leXsolar-condenser, which was developed just for this experiment. The last step demonstrates the conversion of the produced biofuel into usable energy, such as electrical energy, using the provided Ethanol-fuel cell.

leXsolar - Thermal Energy
College/Secondary - leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go
This experimentation system allows for the application of different technologies of solar thermal energy transformation in class. The product does not only contain various solar collector systems, which can be used with or without pumps, but also the CSP-technology (Concentrated Solar Power) and a Peltier element for the direct generation of electricity. Another main feature are the experiments regarding the basics of thermodynamics, like absorption of heat radiation and the convective flow of heat, that provide a comprehensive understanding of the applied physical effects.
Like the other products of the Ready-to-go line, the leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go raise enthusiasm thanks to its flexible and location-independent use, without the need of any further equipment.
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Post Secondary - leXsolar-Emobility Professional
For storing electrical energy many different battery technologies are already on the market. But what application needs which battery type, what capacity does the battery need to have and what loading performance is the best to guarantee a long durability? Due to the problem of storing renewable energy, these are questions which need to be worked on in technical training. With leXsolar-EStore Professional, the characteristics of different battery types can be analyzed.
Secondary - leXsolar-Emobility Ready-to-go
This system teaches the physical and technical foundations and applications of different battery technologies. Eight different battery types like lithium-polymer battery, capacitor or fuel cell allow for the study of characteristics like lifespan and charging methods. Qualitative and quantitative experiments are used to explore the properties of various battery types. The electric car can be run with all included storage types.
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Middle School - leXsolar-Emobility Large
This product teaches students the physical and technical foundations and applications of different battery technologies. The highly-topical issue of electric mobility is explored with an electric model car. Dimensioning and application of different battery types are just as much a topic as life expectancy or charging methods.
Post Secondary - leXsolar-Emobility Instructor
With leXsolar-Emobilty Instructor students can gain comprehensive knowledge of state-of-the-art electric mobility systems as well as the underlying technical concepts and components. Batteries and battery management systems, controllers and CAN bus as well as motor and power train concepts are only a few topics that are addressed with the practical training sessions of leXsolar-EMobility Instructor.
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leXsolar - ESave
College/Secondary - leXsolar-Esave Ready-to-go
Thanks to the leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go, energy issues become more concrete. Due to the global approach provided, students will focus first on topics like global energy consumption, climate change or household energy consumption. Following the manuals, students will make measurements based on the problem; for instance things like room temperature or climate, water and energy consumption, etc. The goal is to promote the ability to identify potentials for improvements and savings.