Solar PV Installation
The new Solar PV Installation Training systems from Progressive Educational Systems provides the skills necessary to install and test solar PV installations. This program has been approved by the Electronics Technician Association (ETA) and meets the requirements for the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) exam.
This training system includes everything required to function as a "turn-key" learning station; lesson plan, student guide, bench top or mobile stand, modular component panels, analysis tools, instrumentation, energy producing equipment and in class mounts. The module provides student instruction for up to 45 hours. The Lesson Plan includes an Instructor's Guide which provides instructions for installing, setting up, and implementing the module. It also includes learning outcomes, testing and evaluation procedures, answer keys, student skills response, inventory list and print CD.
The Student Activity manual guides students through 32 multi-disciplinary activities using the tools, and equipment included with the module package. It also contains daily activity response sheets and activity notes.
The Solar PV installation training system curriculum includes the
following activities:- Renewable Energy Basics
- Personal Safety
- Site Safety
- Electrical Safety
- Lockout / Tagout
- Abbreviations, Connections & Symbols
- Wire and Sizing Wire
- Introduction to Ohms Law
- Electrical Instrumentation
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Alternating Current
- Grounding and Current Protection
- Solar Codes and Standards
- Plans and Blue prints
- Introduction to Solar Photovoltaic
- Solar Pathfinder
- Pyrannometers and Pyroheliometer
- Photovoltaic Sitting
- Photovoltaic Installation
- Solar Panel Roof and Ground Mount
- Solar Panel Pole Mount
- Photovoltaic System Wiring
- Charge Controllers
- Solar Array Configurations
- Storage Systems
- Inverters
- Integration and Balance of System Components
- Estimating Home Energy Needs - System Design
- System Performance and Monitoring
- Energy Conservation
- PV Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Practical Project
- Post-Test and Wrap up
07-3254-00 Solar PV Installation - Mobile Stand
07-3254-01 Solar PV Installation - Desktop Stand
07-3254-02 Solar PV Installation - Mobile Stand,
top mount, adjustable solar panel with variable intensity sun simulator.
The curriculum for these training systems has been written to meet the objectives of the Electronics Technician Association (ETA) outcomes for the Small Wind installation program as well as the Solar PV installation program. By competing the Progressive Educational Systems small wind or solar PV course and writing the ETA exam, students will be certified to install in the respective area. ETA is recognized in North America and around the world.
Renewable Energy
- Wind and Solar Energy Module
- Wind Energy Module
- Solar Energy Module
- Geothermal Trainer
- Clean Energy Training System
- Hydrogen Solutions
- Bio Diesel Training System
- Small Wind and Solar PV Installation
- Small Wind and Solar PV PRO Installation
- Small Wind Installation
- Solar Thermal / PV Training System
- Grid Tie / Smart Meter Training System
- Grid Tie Training System
- GEM Wireless Monitoring System