2017/2018 Trade Shows and Events
Progressive Inc. attends as many provincial, state, board, district and national trade shows, conferences and workshops as possible. This schedule is updated on a regular basis. If you do not see a show in your area, or would like us to attend one, please call our marketing department or email us your invitation to patrick@progressiveinc.ca.
May 1-2 Skills Canada, Ontario Comeptition, International Convention Center, Toronto Ontario
May 11 - 13 OCTE - Ontario Council for Technology Educators Conference, Mississauga, ON
May 16-17 Amatrol Factory Tour, Jeffersonville IN USA
May 29 - 30 Canadian Welding Association Educators Conference, Winnipeg MB
October 20 Special Area Group of Educators conference (SAGE) Winnipeg MB
October 20-21 BCTEA Super Conference Vancouver, BC
October 26 - 27 Technology Fall Conference, Oswego, NY https://fallconference.com/
November 16 - 17 Technology Educators Special Interest Council (TESIC), St. John's, NL
November 23 - 25 Career and Technology Educational Council, Canmore AB
December 6 - 9, ACTE Vision 2017, Gaylord Poryland, Nashville, TN
January 28 - 30 Michigan Career Education Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
May 1-2 Skills Canada, Ontario Comeptition, International Convention Center, Toronto Ontario
May 10 - 12 OCTE - Ontario Council for Technology Educators Conference, Mississauga, ON
May 15-16 Amatrol Factory Tour, Jeffersonville IN USA
June 10 - 12 National Apprenticeship Conference, Montreal, QC
2017 Summer Classes
Progressive School of Technology understands the importance of a well trained workforce. A properly trained worker is better prepared to meet the daily challenges. As such we will be hosting our Summer Institute over 1 week in August at our School of Technology (PST) in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. This year we will be featuring a number of different but equally important classes. These courses are available to local industries, home owners and educators.
PST instructor training courses feature:
·Hands-on and theory instruction
·Factory-certified instructors
·Individualized project consultation
·Course Materials
·Completion certificate
·Accommodations (3 nights)
August 15- 19, 2017
Class 1 - Small Wind and/or Solar PV installation certification.
Description: Using Progressive's own training system and ETA certified curriculum, participants will progress throughout the week to write a certification exam on the final day...if desired.
Daily Schedule: August 15 - 19, Monday-Thurs 8:00 am to 4:30 pm; Fri. 8:00 am to 12:00pm. 35 Hours
Course Tuition: $1,095.00
Exam Fee: $150 (For those who wish to write the exam)
Accommodations Included: 5 nights - Sunday - Friday
August 15- 19, 2017
Description: Introduction to SolidWorks, 3D Printers, and Laser Scanners,
Daily Schedule: August 16 - 19, Tuesday-Thurs 8:00 am to 4:30 pm; Fri. 8:00 am to 12:00pm. 28 Hours
Course Tuition: $895.00
Project Fee: $175.00
Course Requirements: Participants are asked to bring their own Laptop to use during the class.
Accommodations Included: 4 nights - Monday - Friday
Class 3 - Introduction to Énergie renouvelable.
Description: Using Progressive's own training systems, participants will progress throughout the week to explore the basics of wind, solar, biodiesel, hydrogen, geothermal and solar thermal systems.
Daily Schedule: August 17 - 19. Wed-Thurs 8:00 am to 4:30 pm; Fri. 8:00 am to 12:00pm. 20 Hours
Course Tuition: $795.00
Accommodations Included: 3 nights - Tuesday - Friday
Class 4 - Virtual Reality in the Salle de classe
Option A
Description: Virtual Reality Welding,
Daily Schedule: August 15 - 16, Monday - Tuesday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. 16 Hours
Course Tuition: $695.00
Accommodations Included: 2 nights - Sunday - Tuesday
Option B
Description: Introduction to Virtual Reality solutions. Includes: Augmented Welding, Residential Construction, Automation, Fluid Power, Electrical, Mechanical, Automation, Quality Assurance.
Daily Schedule: August 15 - 16, Monday - Tuesday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. 16 Hours
Course Tuition: $695.00
Accommodations Included: 2 nights - Sunday - Tuesday
Location: 50 Hanna Court, Belleville Ontario Canada 888-256-0715

Progressive Educational Systems situé à Belleville, en Ontario. A Progressive, nous nous engageons à vous aider à répondre efficacement à vos besoins. Nous sommes fiers d'offrir nos service de cote est à cote ouest avec livraison rapide pour la plupart des provinces. Nos numéros importants sont listés ci-dessous:
- Sans frais 888-256-0715
- Bureau principal 613-966-3332
- Télécopieur 866-799-4123
- Courriel Fr : sales@progressiveinc.ca